























1.     Planning urban car park provision using microsimulation, P. Sykes, F. De Jong, R.  Bradley, G. Jennings and G. McDonnell. Traffic Engineering and Control (TEC), March 2010
P. Sykes, F. De Jong, R.  Bradley, G. Jennings and G. McDonnell.微观仿真在城市停车设施规划中的应用。交通工程与控制(TEC),20103







1.     McMillan S., Koorey G., Nicholson A. (2009) Incident Management Modelling Using Microsimulation with Adaptive Signal Control. Bangkok, Thailand: 10th ITS Asia-Pacific Forum, 8-10 Jul 2009. 4pp.
McMillan S., Koorey G., Nicholson A. (2009) 自适应信号控系统中事件管理的微观仿真. Bangkok, Thailand: 10th ITS Asia-Pacific Forum (第十届亚太智能交通系统论坛), 8-10 Jul 2009. 4pp.

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标签:事件管理,微观仿真,自使用控制系统,SCATS S-Paramics


2.     M25 Integrated Demand Management (IDM), T. Altenbuchner and J. Powell of Hyder Consulting. Transport Practitioner Meeting (TPM), July 2009
T. Altenbuchner and J. Powell


  介绍 伦敦M25环形高速路是英国最为繁忙的高速路,最忙的路段日行车辆常常超过20万辆(或者高峰时间07:00-08:00每小时达到9756辆)。


-     主动交通管理 (如,可变限速,车道管理,硬路肩行驶等)

-     高速公路出入口管理

-     优先车道,如车辆共乘

-     事件管理

-     大地域交通管理


3.     Simulating and Implementing a SCOOT UTC Strategy for a Planned Event, G. Thomas, K. Baffour and T. Brown, Transport of Surrey, Surrey County Council. Traffic Engineering and Control (TEC), 2009
G. Thomas, K. Baffour and T. Brown,大型活动中SCOOT 城市管理控制方案的模拟和实施。交通工程与控制(TEC),2009





1.     The effectiveness of incident management on network reliabilityLand Transport New ZealandResearch Report 346, June 2008


2.     Controlling Emissions by Queue Relocation, Malcolm Neil and Pete Sykes. JCT Signals Symposium, September 2008
Malcolm Neil and Pete Sykes,通过转移排队车辆控制尾气排放,JCT信号会议,2008


3.     Achieving realism in simulation with adaptive signal control by Pete Sykes of SIAS Ltd. Traffic Engineering and Control (TEC), 2008.
Pete Syke


  1. Dijkstra, A. and Drolenga, H. (2008) Research in the framework of the European research programme In-Safety — Safety effects of route choice in a road network: Simulation of changing route. SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, Leidschendam, The Netherlands
    Dijkstra, A. and Drolenga, H. (2008) 欧洲研究计划框架(安全)路网中路径选择的安全性:模拟路径选择SWOV 道路安全研究所,荷兰


  1. Microsimulation routeing by Stephen Cragg of SIAS. Traffic Engineering and Control (TEC) March 2007.
    Stephen Cragg.
    微观仿真的路径选择. 交通工程与控制, 2007.


  1. Transport planning with microsimulation by Pete Sykes of SIAS. Journal of Maps March 2007. Available on application
    Pete Sykes. 微观仿真与交通规划.  地图杂志, 2007. (请来信索取)


7.     Roadworks : What are the benefits of modelling temporary traffic management arrangements ? by Stephen Cragg of SIAS. Scottish Transport Applications and Research (STAR) Conference, April 2007
Stephen Cragg,





1.     Benefits of microsimulation for large area networks. Pete Sykes, Iain Clement SIAS, and Nick Cohn & Niels van den Brinck of Grontmiij Nederlands. ISTS'06 Lausanne.
Pete Sykes, Iain Clement, Nick Cohn & Niels van den Brinck. 微观仿真在大范围路网中应用的益处. ISTS, 2006.


2.     Economic appraisal by microsimulation by Iain Clement and Stephen Druitt.Traffic Engineering and Control (TEC) Oct. 2006.
Iain Clement and Stephen Druitt.
用微观仿真来进行经济评价. 交通工程与控制, 2006.


3.     Interpreting microsimulation output by Emily Seaman SIAS. Traffic Engineering and Control (TEC) June 2006
Emily Seaman.
解释微观仿真的输出结果. 交通工程与控制, 2006.


4.     Economic assessment with microsimulation models by Pete Sykes and Iain Clement, JCT conference 2006.
Pete Sykes and Iain Clement. 微观仿真模型中的经济评估. JCT会议, 2006.


  1. Thomas, G. Howard, S., Baffour, K. (2006) Linkage of Microsimulation Models with UTMC. ITS World Congress, October 2006, London.
    Thomas, G. Howard, S., Baffour, K. (2006)


摘要 微观仿真模型正越来越多地用于设计和测试智能化交通系统(ITS)。英国Surrey市政厅认识到微观仿真模型在城市交通管理控制中的作用,即有助于设计更佳项目方案和进行决策。这篇文章探讨了SCOOTLink系统,该系统能够用S-Paramics对真实的SCOOT控制系统进行模拟。


  1. Cohn N.D.Krootjes P.and Zee J.C. (2004) Simulating Variable Message Signs - Influencing dynamic route choice in microsimulation, CVS, Zeist, the Netherlands, 2004
    N.D. KrootjesP. Zee J.C. (2004) 模拟可变信息标记(VMS影响微观仿真中的动态路径选择,CVS会议,荷兰


7.     Including ITS in microsimulation models, by Pete Sykes and Dave Bennett of SIAS. iEEE conference 2004.
Pete Sykes and Dave Bennett.  ITS
与微观仿真模型.  iEEE 会议, 2004.


8.     Building small microsimulation models, by Rob Morris and Pete Sykes of SIAS, JCT conference 2005.
Rob Morris and Pete Sykes.
建立小型的微观仿真模型.  JCT会议, 2004.


  1. Modelling ALINEA ramp metering by Pete Stewart, Brian Hutchison SIAS & Tom McClean Glasgow City Council. Traffex 2003.
    Pete Stewart, Brian Hutchison and Tom McClean. 模拟匝道交通调节. Traffex, 2003.


  1. Edinburgh City Centre Vehicle Emissions Modelling, SIAS and Napier University, 2003
    爱丁堡市中心区车辆尾气排放模拟,SIAS and Napier University2003





1.     How Microsimulation Models Can Sway Political and Public Opinion by Stephen Druitt of SIAS. The 3rd UK Local Authority Chairs of Transport Conference, Manchester, September 2000
Stephen Druitt,
微观仿真模型对政治和公众舆论的影响. 第三届英国地方政府运输主管会议,2000.


  1. Edinburgh City Centre: A Microsimulation Case Study by Stephen Druitt and James Laird of SIAS, and Duncan Fraser of the City of Edinburgh Council. Traffic Engineering & Control (TEC) 1999.
    Stephen Druitt, James Laird and Duncan Fraser. 爱丁堡中心地区: 微观仿真案例分析. 交通工程与控制, 1999.


  1. An Introduction to Microsimulation  by Stephen Druitt of SIAS. Traffic Engineering & Control (TEC) 1998.
    Stephen Druitt.  微观仿真简介交通工程与控制,  1998.


4.     Some Real Applications of Microsimulation by Stephen Druitt of SIAS. Traffic Engineering & Control (TEC) 1998.
Stephen Druitt,  
微观仿真的一些实际应用实例. 交通工程与控制, 1998.





1.     Car following, lane changing and gap acceptance modelling algorithms, by Gordon Duncan of Quadstone & Dave McArthur of SIAS. 1997. 
Gordon Duncan and Dave McArthur.
跟车,变道和可接受的间隔模型的算法. 1997.





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